FRD - Gaming

Random Video Game Generator

Your created video game:

generate new game

How does the random video game generator work?

The random video game generator works a lightning speed and when you press generate new video game then the magic happens. The generator pulls a game from its database of video games for you. As bonus you also get information on the developer, publisher, genre and release data of the video game.

Why should you use the random video game generator?

There are so much video games in the world, and everyday new games are added. Sometime you have such a day and think, which video game shall i play. Now instead of searching on the internet for a day.. just press and you get a video game that you can play. It might be a new one, it might be a classic video game or even a game that you have never heard of. Good luck!

Random present picker for gamers

Yes, pick a present for a gamer. The random video game generator can also be used as random present picker for gamers. You get a random video game name in this generator and that random game might be a unique present for a gamer boy or gamer girl. There have been so many games released over the last decades and this tool can help you with some ideas.

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